How to Purchase

Purchasing a Licence

Please read the following instructions before purchasing a licence or Skipassi here. As the purchasing system is in Finnish only, you may want to open it in another window/tab and read the instructions while purchasing.

Fields marked with * are required.

1.     Choose your association and discipline.

*Lajiliitto = Choose 'Finnish Ski Association' by clicking 'SUOMEN HIIHTOLIITTO RY' in the first field on the opening site.

*Laji = Choose your discipline in the menu:

  • Alppi = Alpine Skiing
  • Freestyle
  • Maastohiihto = Cross-Country Skiing
  • Mäki-yhdistetty =Ski Jumping/Nordic Combined
  • Nopeuslasku = Speed Skiing
  • Telemark

In case you compete in several disciplines, please purchase the most expensive licence. The most expensive licence and insurance will be valid in all the competitions you participate in. In case you are not certain which licence you should have, please do not hesitate to contact the Finnish Ski Association.

(2.     In case you already have a personal Sportti-ID / licence number and password, you can use them for logging in and purchasing a new licence. With these credentials you can also view your information in the licence register ('Sporttirekisteri'). In case you do not have these credentials, you may order them by entering your e-mail address into the purchasing system.)

3.    Enter your personal information:

  • *Sukunimi = Surname/Family Name
  • *Etunimi = Given Name/First Name
  • Henkilötunnus = Finnish Personal Number. In case you are a foreign national and do not have a Finnish personal number, please tick the box "Olen ulkomaan kansalainen eikä minulla ole suomalaista henkilötunnusta" (I am a foreign national and do not have a Finnish personal number).
  • Syntymäaika = Date of Birth (
  • Sukupuoli = Sex; Nainen = Female, Mies = Male

Please note that in case you do not have a Finnish personal number, entering your date of birth and sex is compulsory.

  • *Kansalaisuus = Nationality
  • *Lähiosoite = Address (street and house/apartment number)
  • *Postinumero = Postal Code/Zip Code
  • Postitoimipaikka = Town/City.

Please note that if you enter an address outside Finland, entering your town/city is compulsory. Foreign nationals purchasing a licence must have a place of residence in Finland and belong to a Finnish ski club.

  • *Maa = Country
  • Kotipuhelin = Phone Number (home/landline)
  • Matkapuhelin = Phone Number (mobile)
  • Sähköposti = E-mail Address. Please note that e-mail address is required if you want to receive your personal credentials for logging in to the licence register.
  • Toissijainen sähköposti = Another E-mail Address (Selite = Explanation; Huoltajan sähköposti = Parent's e-mail address, Työsähköposti = Work e-mail address, Kotisähköposti = Home e-mail address, Muu sähköposti = Other)

In case you do not want to receive advertisements from third parties, please tick the box "Ei suoramarkkinointia kolmansilta osapuolilta".

Now click "Seuraava" for continuing to the next page. In case you want to stop purchasing, click "Keskeytä".

4.     Choose  the licence you wish to purchase by ticking the appropriate box.

  • alppi = alpine skiing
  • maasto = cross-country skiing
  • mäki + yh = ski jumping / nordic combined
  • A-lisenssi = A-licence
  • B-lisenssi = B-licence
  • C-lisenssi = C-licence
  • + vak / +vakuutus = insurance included
  • ei vakuutusta = no insurance included
  • + Hiihto / + Edge = Hiihto or Edge magazine (in Finnish) included
  • Skipassi aikuiset = Skipassi for adults
  • Skipassi nuoret = Skipassi for children under 18 years of age

E.G. maasto A-lisenssi + vakuutus = A-licence for cross country skiing, insurance included

E.G. maasto A-lisenssi, ei vakuutusta = A-licence for cross-country skiing, no insurance included

5.     Choose your Finnish ski club in the menu at the bottom of the page.

Now click "Seuraava" for continuing to the next page. In case you want to stop purchasing, click "Keskeytä". In case you want to return to the previous page, click "Edellinen".

6.    Check that your personal information and the chosen licence are correct and tick the boxes "Olen tutustunut tuoteselosteeseen" (I have familiarised myself with the trade description of the licence) and "Olen tutustunut vakuutusehtoihin" (I have familiarised myself with the terms and conditions of the insurance; in case you are purchasing a licence including an insurance).

By clicking "Seuraava" you will receive the invoice.

7.   Pay the licence. In case you have a Finnish bank account in Nordea, OP or Danske Bank, you may pay the invoice online. You may also print the invoice and pay it as desired. Please always use the given reference number ('viitenumero')! The licence is valid only after payment. The insurance is valid on the payment day at 12 p.m. or before, if the exact time of payment is shown on the receipt for the payment. Please keep the receipt.


Never use an old reference number or a reference number of another person. Never try to pay the licence without the given reference number.

For more information on matters pertaining to licences, please contact:
Cross-country, Ski jumping and Nordic combined: Larissa Erola, larissa.erola(@), tel. +358 40 744 7741
Alpine: Minna Karhu, minna.karhu(@), tel. +358 440 211 024